
S&P Global Ratings CreditMatters: Coronavirus Bulletin

At S&P Global Ratings, we believe that financial markets work best when they have as much current information as possible to make informed decisions. This is especially critical in unprecedented times such as these. With this in mind we are hosting a series of live webcasts and Q&As, full details and registration links can be found further down in this email.

COVID-19 Deals A Larger, Longer Hit To Global GDP

With the economic drag from coronavirus-containment measures heavier than first thought, we now see global GDP falling 2.4% this year, with the U.S. and eurozone contracting 5.2% and 7.3% respectively. As infection curves are flattening, the focus has turned to the recovery—the length and pace of which will depend on the resolution of the health threat, economic policy, the response of people and firms, and labor-market conditions. Read the full report

Credit Trends: U.S. Corporate Credit Stress Surges To Recession Levels On COVID-19 And Oil Shocks

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic marks the turning of the U.S. corporate credit cycle–issuers are facing significant challenges as the longest economic expansion in U.S. history abruptly ended. Read more

Risky Credits: Low Creditworthiness In The Time Of Coronavirus

In response to investors’ sharp focus on the U.S. and Canada’s ‘CCC’ rated nonfinancial and financial corporate segment, and their first cousins the ‘B-‘ rating, we have launched the “Risky Credits” series, which will be published on a monthly basis in order to provide more insight on credit trends and potential risks affecting the ‘B-‘ and ‘CCC’ rated issuers.
During the month of March, the loan markets saw unprecedented volatility due to COVID-19 containment measures. Open the full report

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